Sneha Mandala



How to Make Work Feel More Effortless:

We’ve been told that relentless hard work is the key to success, but as a result, professionals around the world are burning out. Is it even possible to build a sustainable career you feel good about? If only you could make your work feel effortless!

In this talk, Sneha describes the two factors that can consistently help you get into a ‘flow state’ at work, making your day feel more energizing, natural, and free-flowing – ultimately reducing burnout.

With this keynote, Sneha helps companies self-reflect on their levels of happiness and engagement at work, by identifying triggers that may be causing toxic stress and leading to burnout.

Sneha then helps to create a 2-step plan to advocate for conditions that allows organizations to experience more time in a 'flow state' at work, paving the way for a sustainable and successful career path.


learning outcomes:

1) Self-reflection on your level of happiness and engagement at work, by identifying triggers that may be causing toxic stress and leading to burnout.

2) Explore the neuroscience behind the flow state and its positive impact on both performance and work-life balance.


The Effortless Future of Work:

According to global research (Flow Genome Project), flow states lead to peak performance. Peak performing employees help build peak performing teams, allowing your organization to produce better results, faster.

In this age of “quiet quitting” and “the great resignation,” you need a better way to increase performance in your employees without leading to exhaustion and burnout.

Sneha helps leaders identify the root causes of employee disengagement, low productivity, and unhappiness. You will shift away from the "hustle culture" and embrace the research-backed approach of fostering a "flow state" for your employees.

Sneha then aids leaders in developing a simple 2-step framework to cultivate and maintain an effortless state at work, transforming your team into a cohesive and engaged powerhouse.


Learning Outcomes:

1) Explore the problem: Identify the root causes of why employees are not as engaged, productive, and happy as they should be.

2) Empower your employees: Change the way you get results from your team by getting rid of the “hustle culture” and instead enabling a “flow state” for your employees.

3) Elevate your leadership: Develop a 2-step framework to create and sustain an effortless state at work so your team can go from a bunch of disconnected individuals to an engaged powerhouse!


For information on Sneha’s consulting program for Business and HR Leaders, please contact us.