Ebony Stewart


Self-Care, No But, FOR REAL

Whether you work for an organization or a corporation, your mental health and wellness should still be a part of the mission. How do we consider ourselves to be mindful of our mental health with all that we do, everything we have to be, with the different hats we oftentimes wear - in order to make sure the task gets done in a fast paced setting and demanding environment? By increasing awareness, recognizing universal needs, and linking intentionality with value and fun with poet and motivational speaker, Ebony Stewart.

Sex, Love, & Above

Sexuality is more than just the “plumbing.” This workshop explores all the many layers of body image, sexual orientation, reproductive health & genitals, gender roles & identity, relationships, love & affection through discussion and activities that will allow us to investigate the stories we tell ourselves and how those stories interfere with how we see and accept others.


Seeing (RED) ties in aspects of generational trauma learned through relationships with the foresight of healing through poetry and storytelling. This presentation is specifically tailored to address domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and gives voice to the victims & survivors as a holistic approach.

Iterations of the Truth

Iterations of the Truth explores intergenerational perspectives that go beyond the nostalgic relishing of the past and calls on poetry to actively engage with past remembrance and present evolutions. Participants are expected to examine family of origin, patterns, behaviors, and experiences through poetry and storytelling. Participants can expect guided conversation, writing prompts, and reflection as new ways to confess, admit, and release.