Dr. Dustin York


The Unspoken Language: Mastering Nonverbal Interpersonal Skills

Communication extends far beyond words, and this session aims to unlock the power of nonverbal cues in enhancing connections, relationships, and overall communication effectiveness. This session will explore the subtle yet impactful language of body movements, gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how these signals profoundly influence our interactions, often speaking volumes beyond what words convey.

Throughout the session, Dr. York will share practical strategies and techniques to harness and interpret nonverbal cues effectively, presented in his high-energy and interactive style. Learn how to fine-tune your observational skills, decode hidden messages, and adapt your own nonverbal communication to build rapport, establish trust, and foster meaningful connections in both personal and professional settings. Key takeaways from this session include:

  • Heightened awareness of nonverbal cues and their impact on communication dynamics.

  • Strategies for interpreting and responding to nonverbal signals to improve understanding.

  • Techniques to refine and project positive nonverbal communication for building stronger relationships.

  • Practical applications of nonverbal skills in various contexts, from sales, to customer service, to networking and more.

Whether your audience is seeking to refine their communication abilities, enhance leadership skills, or simply improve their daily interactions, this keynote promises valuable insights that will transform the way you engage with others.

**Note, this workshop can also be done as a keynote.

Mastering Sales-Centric Communication: The Art and Science of Persuasive Dialogue

​Prepare to elevate your sales game in an immersive and interactive workshop. This hands-on learning experience will transform your team's approach to sales by honing the art and science of persuasive communication. Throughout the interactive session, participants will engage in the following key components:

  • Hands-on activities to craft persuasive and impactful sales messages tailored to specific target audiences.

  • Practical exercises to develop empathy and active listening skills for effective rapport-building.

  • Exploring negotiation and persuasion principles that underpin successful sales conversations.

  • Techniques for integrating storytelling and data-driven insights into sales narratives.

  • Interactive sessions to develop and deliver persuasive sales presentations.

  • Utilizing visuals, storytelling, and audience engagement techniques for impactful pitches.

  • Simulated sales scenarios for practical application of learned techniques.

  • Facilitated discussions and debriefs for insights and shared learning.

Participants will actively engage in exercises, discussions, and real-life simulations to strengthen their sales-focused communication skills. They'll leave the workshop equipped with actionable strategies, hands-on experience, and increased confidence in their ability to engage, influence, and drive sales through effective communication.

**Note, this workshop can be scaled for multiple sessions.

Navigating Conflict: An Interactive Workshop on Effective Conflict Management

This transformative workshop will equip participants with practical skills and strategies for navigating conflicts successfully. Led by Dr. York who has trained FBI Agents on conflict resolution, brings these same tactics to your team in a high-energy and engaging session. Throughout the interactive session, participants will engage in the following key components:

  • Exploring the root causes and dynamics of conflicts in personal and professional settings.\

  • Cultivating self-awareness to manage personal responses to conflict.

  • Techniques for active listening, empathetic communication, and assertiveness.

  • Role-playing exercises to practice effective communication during conflict scenarios.

  • Strategies for de-escalating tense situations and promoting constructive dialogue.

  • Problem-solving frameworks to address conflicts with a focus on win-win solutions.

  • Negotiation techniques and compromise strategies for reaching mutually beneficial agreements.

  • Real-life case studies and simulations to apply learned conflict management techniques.

  • Creating action plans for implementing conflict resolution skills in participants' environments.

  • Group discussions and reflection sessions to analyze successful conflict resolution strategies.

In this interactive session, participants will get specific sentences to say, structures to follow and mindset to adapt in order to find mutually beneficial resolutions. ​

**Note, this workshop can also be done as a keynote.

Igniting Digital Transformation: An Interactive Ideation Workshop

Unleash your creative potential in an immersive and interactive ideation workshop focused on digital transformation. Join us for an engaging session designed to ignite inspiration, spark innovative ideas, and empower participants to generate impactful solutions through the art of ideation. Throughout this hands-on session, participants will engage in various activities and exercises will be focused on:

  • Embracing a mindset of curiosity, experimentation, and open-mindedness.

  • Recognizing and overcoming common barriers to creativity.

  • Brainstorming methodologies that encourage wild ideation and unconventional thinking.

  • Group activities to refine and structure generated ideas into actionable concepts.

  • Methods for evaluating and prioritizing ideas based on feasibility, impact, and relevance.

  • Interactive challenges and case studies to apply ideation techniques to practical problems.

  • Role-playing exercises simulating ideation sessions in professional settings.

  • Strategies for fostering a culture of continuous ideation and innovation within teams or organizations.

This incredibly active workshop takes a group through a strategic path of developing tactical action points to move the group or organization forward through change management. This workshop is great for Strategic Plan generation or yearly departmental action plan generation.

**Note, this workshop can also be done as a keynote.

Media Mastery: An Interactive Workshop on Effective Media Training

This hands-on session is designed to equip participants with the skills and techniques necessary to excel in media interactions, presentations and interviews. Throughout the interactive session, participants will engage in the following key components:

  • Techniques for developing concise, clear, and impactful messages for different audiences.

  • Strategies to effectively convey key messages while staying on topic during interviews.

  • Practice sessions to refine and tailor messages for specific media contexts.

  • Mock interview exercises simulating various media scenarios.

  • Guidance on body language, voice modulation, and on-camera presence.

  • Feedback and coaching sessions to improve interview performance and presence.

  • Strategies for managing difficult questions and steering interviews back to key messages.

  • Preparation techniques for crisis situations and managing sensitive topics.

  • Role-playing exercises to navigate challenging media scenarios effectively.

Participants will actively engage in practical exercises, role-playing simulations, and interactive discussions to hone their media communication skills. Following the training, each participant receives a personalized assessment with strengths and opportunities from their on-camera interview.

**​Note, this workshop can be done on a recurring basis.

NIL: Name, Image, Likeness - Building Your Personal Brand

Today, your name, image, and likeness are powerful tools - Personal branding now has monetary value. This workshop dives into the art of leveraging personal branding, teaching you how to craft a strong presence that showcases your skills, values, and personality. This workshop will build your personal branding skills through social media, media interviews, sponsorship negotiation, brand architecture, and more. We'll explore strategies for leveraging your Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) to build a strategic personal brand.

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