Carlos Andrés Gómez


Reimagining Modern Manhood

Through storytelling, audience engagement, and poetry, Carlos Andrés Gómez shares his journey of growing up as a sensitive boy forced to navigate machismo and restrictive gender stereotypes. A riveting combination of personal narrative and sociological excavation, Gómez guides the audience through his life story, from that tender-hearted and out-of-place little boy constantly moving and changing schools to where he is now: a father of two and husband, determined to reimagine how we all think about masculinity and gender—beyond preconceived social roles, beyond the binary.


  • Participants will comprehend concepts related to gender, equity, and inclusion.

  • Participants will build competency and awareness about unconscious gender bias, sexism, and transphobia.

  • Participants will examine the effect of friends, family, culture, technology, and media on behavior and ways of thinking, as it relates to gender.

  • Participants will identify concrete strategies to counteract unconscious gender bias, sexism, and transphobia, and engage male colleagues as allies in the fight for gender equity and inclusion.

Care & Community: At the Intersection of Wellness & Belonging

Join Carlos Andrés Gómez, best-selling author and inclusion consultant, for this interactive session that will explore the interconnected nature of culturally-affirming and inclusive spaces and holistic mental and emotional wellness. Participants will explore and identify actionable tools for promoting mental and emotional well-being through culturally-responsive and evidence-based strategies that enable the workplace to be a more care-centered, equitable, and inclusive environment for all. This skills-based training will give participants tools and strategies to immediately implement into their professional and personal lives. 


  • Attendees will build competency and awareness about mental and emotional health, social identity, equity, and inclusion.

  • Attendees will examine the effect of various strains on their mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as strategies for alleviating those stresses.

  • Attendees will identify concrete strategies to promote mental wellness and emotional resilience, as well as ways to be more inclusive, equitable, and accessible.


Recharge! How to Motivate your Team & Cultivate Compelling Leadership

Join Carlos Andrés Gómez, best-selling author and strategic consultant, for this interactive session that will identify actionable strategies to cultivate a healthier and more productive workplace, both as an individual and as a team. From tools for effective communication, mindful auditing of habits, and reconnecting to your Why, participants will leave with tangible ways for how to best support challenging employees, position oneself for career advancement and growth, and holistically scaffold a positive mindset that enables the tenacity, perspective, resilience, and gratitude exemplified by the best of our teammates and leadership. This skills-based training will give participants tools to immediately implement into their professional and personal lives. 


  • Participants will comprehend concepts related to communication, team management, leadership, and how to advocate for both individual and team outcomes. 

  • Participants will identify personal qualities and values that can best serve their roles and responsibilities in the workplace.

  • Participants will build competency and awareness about common pitfalls and obstacles to effective teamwork, with particular focus on effective communication and team management.

  • Participants will identify concrete strategies to be proactive, responsive, and resilient employees and leaders.

For more information on additional programs Carlos offers, including Dare to Speak, please contact us.